Sunday, October 21, 2007

Patience, Kindness, Goodness

I spoke this weekend at a retreat for high school girls on the the 3 fruits of the spirit...patience, kindness, goodness.
It's amazing how the difficult people in our lives can cause us to not exhibit these fruits. It's not the people hindering us from using these traits but rather the choice we make to allow our annoyances with them to hinder us from exhibiting these traits.

A statistic I found said that 90% of all mental illness could have been prevented from a single act of kindndess. If we could only get out of the self-centered mode our western culture has created and realize that there are hurting people all around us that need just a touch of kindness, a smile and most importantly someone to pray for them.

We all need patience, we could all stand to be more kind and it never hurts us to do something good for others.

Next Tuesday, October 30th, we are going to touch on this more. The act of having patience and kindness in our lives while dealing with the difficult people that surround us.

Til then.....BE SWEET!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Can't wait to hear this. Thank you for all that you DO! I missed groovy girls so your going to have to fill me in. :)