Friday, November 30, 2007


Like a good ghost story? Want to hear about demon possessions? No need to go to your local theatre just go get in God's Word! Story after story you will see where demons possessed someone, entered someone, changed someones physical appearance or attitude. Acts 16:16-25 the possession of a little girl; Mark 5:1-19 possession of the man at the graveyard; Job 4:12-21 Eliphaz encounters a demon.

The origin of demons is not clearly revealed but they do exist. When exactly God created angels is open for debate, but what is known for sure is that God created everything good because God, in His holiness, cannot create something sinful. So when Satan, who was once the angel Lucifer, rebelled against God and fell from heaven (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28), one-third of the angelic host joined his insurrection (Revelation 12:3-4,9). There is no doubt these fallen angels are now known as the demons. We know that Satan had access to Gods throne. (Job comes directly after Gen 22 in chronological order of the Bible) Read Job 1:6-7 and you will see that God asks Satan where he has been. Satan tells Him he has been roaming around the world just checking things out. Satan still had to answer to his activities. At what point God stopped this access we do not know. But this should show you that Satan is still very much inferior to God yet still very powerful. So, why do we not take seriously the threat of Satan capturing our heart?

Matt 25:41 shows us that Hell was created for the devil and his angels. Some reject that demons continue to roam the Earth today because Jude verse 6 says they are in chains but 1 Peter 5:8 says that the devil is still roaming like a lion. Why would God allow the devil to still roam but not his angels? We know that Jude 1:6 is talking about the “sons of god” in Gen 6. They were called the Nephilim. They pro-created with the daughters of the Earth and created a breed of giants. These are believed to be the demons that God has locked up forever in chains.

Ghosts, hauntings, seances, tarot cards, Ouija boards, crystal balls—what do they have in common? They are fascinating to most people because they seem to open the window into a curious and unknown world that lies beyond the limits of our physical existence. And to many, such things seem no more dangerous than opening a window in their homes. Many people and authors approach this subject from a non-biblical perspective and we need to be careful to remember this. Nowhere in the Bible does it report hauntings from dead people. The Bible clearly states that there is one of two places you will go when you die. Heaven or Hell. (Luke 16:22-28.) The Bible clearly states that any one who delves in to these things invite disaster (Acts 19:13-17) The following 3 verses show us that the people began to burn those things, which they were using and reading that did not pertain to God. And if God considered the occult practices of contacting the spirit world for wisdom or guidance for the future an abomination worthy of judgment in Moses' time (Deuteronomy 18:9-12), then God, who does not change, considers it still today.

Satanism's common denominator is self. The exact thing that Satan was kicked out of Heaven for. Different types of worship require different beliefs. But it all boils down to live for the moment their creed being, gluttony and debauchery. Most Satanist don’t even believe in Satan at all. Since Satan was kicked out of Heaven who wants to follow a loser? In short, Satanism, while it may or may not be worshiping Satan, is a conscious effort to NOT worship the one true real God.

So can a Christian be possessed? Many theologians believe we cannot be possessed because we have the Holy Spirit in us. But in the case of Judas he opened his heart to the sin of greed. So, if we too, open our hearts to a habitual sin can we invite demons in to our hearts? Sin is a bondage we put on our lives that separates us from worship and fellowship with Christ. And sin derives from allowing the Devil and his demons to draw us away from God. The Bible gives us no reason to believe Satan and his demons can read our minds. Clearly that would take a measure of omnipresence and omniscience, which they do not have. However, Satan and his demons have been observing and tempting human beings for thousands of years. In addition, they can overhear our speech when we talk to others (and to ourselves!). Surely they have learned a few things about us over the years. Even without the ability to know our thoughts, they can probably make a well-educated guess as to what we are thinking, and then attempt to use it to their advantage. That is why we are commanded to “Submit yourselves, then, to God” (James 4:7a), before we are told to “Resist the devil” (James 4:7b).

Demons are real we just do not talk about them like every other culture does. Basically we have forgotten the real threat of them in our daily walk with Christ. Every day when you wake up their is a spiritual battle going on over you. Heavens angels are battling Satan's demons to see who will win your heart that day. But we have the upper hand. Scripture says in Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. All we have to do is call out His name and even the demons will tremble and worship Him! What power we have in Christ!

So what's haunting you? Is it a demon or is it that you haven't tapped in to the freedom God has given you over your demons?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dealing with Difficult People

So we've all got that one person, or two, in our lives that just seem to annoy the heck out of us. It's inevitable that they produce themselves in our paths right at the very moment when we don't want to see them. They say things that get on our last nerves. They make comments when they should just stay quiet. And some of them are not going anywhere anytime soon. So what do we do? How do we react to the them?

We need to realize that everyone has this person in their lives and in return we are that someone in someone elses lives. We, as Christians, have been commanded to exhibit the fruits of the spirits. One importantly being that of patience. Patience allows us the opportunity to do nothing but sit back and begin to pray for a good dose of patience in regards to this person. It's not our job to change these difficult people but rather to change our perspective about them. I like to call these people, Sandpaper people. They are abbrasive and they rub us the wrong way. We prepare ourselves for how sandpaper will feel agasint our skin before it ever touches us, and that is how we act towards these people too. Before they ever get near us we have already prejudged them. We anticipate how they are going to treat us, what cruel thing they are going to say or do. This is where we go wrong. Instead of us assuming how they will be we need to see them the way Christ sees them. They are beautiful, important and worthy in His eyes. So, why not in our eyes?

3 things we need to do with these people;
1. Choose to love them. Look beyond their faults and see their worth.
2. Choose to encourage them. Be their cheerleader - privately or publicaly. Find one good aspect about them and focus on it. You can do this by complimenting them or just remembering that they have a good quality amongst their bad ones and constantly look for it.
3. Choose to be thankful for them. Difficult people are gifts from God. Hand picked for us and wrapped in God's love. He brings them in to our lives to smooth out rough edges in our own character. While dealing with people we have a hard time getting along with it makes us seek God for help. The end result, we begin asking God to give us patience, the ability to show kindness, etc and our relationship with Christ begins to strengthen as does our maturity in how we handle people around us.

The prayer to pray is simple. "Bless them. Change me."
We need to quite focusing on their faults and realize that maybe God just needs to do a good work within us. And when you are praying for someone, it's a little hard to be angry with them. And once you are handling them the way God would have you handle them, then you can not be responsible for the way that they act. You are only responsible for your actions towards them. Romands 12:21 says Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
I asked everyone to do something this week.
Find something that you can do to encourage your difficult person this week. And everyday pray for them. After one week, report back in on how your attitude has changed in regards to them. Prayer is powerful, changing everything and everyone who comes in contact with it.
Luke 6:28 Bless them that curse you, pray for them which despitefully use you.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Patience, Kindness, Goodness

I spoke this weekend at a retreat for high school girls on the the 3 fruits of the spirit...patience, kindness, goodness.
It's amazing how the difficult people in our lives can cause us to not exhibit these fruits. It's not the people hindering us from using these traits but rather the choice we make to allow our annoyances with them to hinder us from exhibiting these traits.

A statistic I found said that 90% of all mental illness could have been prevented from a single act of kindndess. If we could only get out of the self-centered mode our western culture has created and realize that there are hurting people all around us that need just a touch of kindness, a smile and most importantly someone to pray for them.

We all need patience, we could all stand to be more kind and it never hurts us to do something good for others.

Next Tuesday, October 30th, we are going to touch on this more. The act of having patience and kindness in our lives while dealing with the difficult people that surround us.

Til then.....BE SWEET!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Tonight at church we commissioned 4 people to the mission field. It was a sweet time as I knew 2 of the young people going. I am brought to a new awareness of how risky being a missionary is but I'm sure how very rewarding it can be also. My prayers go out to them and their families as God uses them in places and ways we will only know in Heaven.

At the end of the commissioning service, our pastor, Dr Brunson, asked for the families of these people to gather around their loved ones. Then he extended the invitation to the church body and asked for anyone who would committ to pray for these people to come down and surround them as well. My heart overflowed with emotion as litteraly thousands crept out of their comfort zone aisles and started flocking to the front. They were offering their prayers to God on behalf of these people. Some of these people are strangers to these missionaries, some they know quite well but regardless of the relationship, they were all praying. It was a beautiful sight! I was standing there in the choir loft watching, tears streaking my face when it hit me. I thought to myself, so this is what it looks like when people are interceeding for me in prayer! You know we hear the words quite often from people "I'm praying for you" "You're in my prayers" "I prayed for you today" We all love to hear that but have you ever stopped to think about what it looks like when people are praying for you? I saw it tonight. I thought about the times I've asked for prayer from people who began praying and then turned around and asked others to pray for me as well. Maybe hundreds at a time were praying for me, I have no idea. But I know now that at some point in my life, I've been standing on a stage surrounded by people flocking out of their comfort zones interceeding in prayer for me. Some people I knew, while others were complete strangers. But they were all praying just for me. I Timothy 2:1-2 (The Meesage) The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.

Who have you promised to pray for today? I know I have a list, so what do you say I meet you on a stage in about a minute...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Using our Blog

My goal and desire for this blog is that it can be used as a tool to discuss what we have been talking about in our Bible study. At the bottom of each blog you will see a comment section. All you have to do is click on the word comment and it will bring you to a different screen. On this screen you can leave comments, ask questions or leave suggestions to me. I will be checking this daily. You can comment on here anonymously or you can attach your name, either way, I promise I will respond to you.
I'd like to keep the discussion going from the time you leave my house till the time we meet again.

Also, I'd like to know what are some things that you would like to discuss at future Bible studies? I'm open for suggestions.

I will be out in Oregon on business from Sunday til Thursday so if I'm not responding or writing on here you will know why. Pray for me...I HATE FLYING!!!!!

Have a great weekend and next week :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I was in CVS tonight and I over heard this little girl, about 7 years old, begging her mom for a toothbrush. Apparently, this toothbrush plays music while you brush your teeth. She was saying over and over to her mom about how much she needed this toothbrush. Her mom finally asked her why and the little girl said "because everyone is getting them...they are so popular right now" Her mom, sounding exasberated, said "You only want this because everyone else is getting them?"

Truth be told, we all act like a bunch of 7 year olds at times. Demanding that we get something to prove our worth to others. Sometimes trying to prove ourselves to people we don't even really care about. My dad says it best..."Why buy something you can't afford to impress people you don't even like?"

Don't you think God sometimes gets exasperated with us when we are praying (demanding) that He allow us to get something we really want? He's thinking "You only want this because everyone else is getting this?...So if everyone was jumping on the band wagon and wanting an extra portion of the Holy Spirit is that the only way you would want that?" How about we carve out some time asking God what it is HE wants for us today. He might just douse you with a new attitude....some of us need it!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


We started the study last night and had an awesome time! 16 total were there and I believe the Lord showed up as well!

In a recent study, researchers determined that self-esteem was a key factor in a child's level of materialism. Children with lower self-esteem valued possessions significantly more than children with higher self-esteem. Moreover, the heightened materialistic values of early adolescents were directly related to "a severe drop in self-esteem that occurs around 12-13 years of age." Also, Forbes just came out with the top 400 richest people in the world. Now, you have to be at least a billionaire to even make the list! Our world has become so deeply fascinated in the wealth and riches that one can acquire. But what does scripture say about possessing just earthly goods or people?

Matthew 6:19-34 talks about how earthly possessions can be destroyed so quickly but to lay up for yourselves heavenly treasures. This act of aspiring God instead of world will show us were our hearts are. It talks about how you can not serve 2 masters. We can not love God whole-heartledy and still cling to the love of wanting things.

What are you seeking? Something temporal? Food, clothing? Jesus says he knows we need these things so worrying about them only diverts our time and energy away from seeking a deeper relationship with Him. Jesus modeled being a servant by taking care of people’s personal needs. This takes times. Why spend more time working longer hours to make more money to buy something useless when you could spend those hours meeting a friends/familys needs? “Consider first the kingdom”

He gives us one request and then a promise."Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you"
He will add to our Kingdom-seeking our personal wants
He will quench our spiritual thirst and our personal thirst

Think about the time you trade for money…what did you buy in the last 6 months? Where is it today? Was it worth the time you traded? The thrill and joy of "possessions" can be broken down into two parts: getting and having. Part of the fun is in acquiring. We also enjoy ownership. Whatever it is that we long for, we want to get it and call it ours. We could call it "energy toward ownership" But if it isn’t God that we are possessing, the Bible calls it coveting.

In one sense, the longing to possess is very selfish. Some people steal and hurt others to try and satisfy their desire. Coveting is sin when it is directed toward earthly things or other people. But in another sense, your desire to both "get" and to "have" is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. It is by God’s purposeful design that we have the desire to acquire and possess. Think about how your life and attitude could totally change if you begin to desire to "get and to have" God. Possess Him as your own! He tells us in Isaiah 57:13 "When thou criest, let thy companies (idols) deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain" How awesome that God tells we can take refuge in Him and possess the very mountain He is on!

When it comes down to it, I know that the promises of the mall, advertisements and Hollywood are false, because I've been given another set of promises: God's promises. The former things tell me new clothes can make me more attractive, more stuff can make me popular and acceptable to others. But God promises me that I'm His wonderful creation. Psalm 139:14 claims "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well" Nothing I buy can improve on what He's created.

God promises me an abundant life (John 10:10), the best life possible. Eternal life. So where will you put your trust? Where will you find your value?

Once you begin to truly want the desires God has for you, you will see Him give genrously above and beyond what you could ever imagine!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Coming Soon

A brand new Bible study for High school girls (or any young lady interested)
Starting Tuesday, September 25th

Fellowship from 6:30 to 7:00
Bible Study starts at 7:00

Will be at the home of Mrs. Tami Muhlbauer
5407 Pittman Dr N, Jacksonville, Fl, 32207
call 705-1965 for more details or directions
or email me at

Join us on the last Tuesday of every month for an in-depth Bible study dealing with real issues that will challenge you in your daily walk with the Lord. Start planning now to be a part of this new Bible study and pray that the Lord will place someone on your heart to invite.

Looking forward to see God work His Word through us so that we can impact those around us!